Our Approach
Common Problem Areas
How Can We Help?
8 weeks Meeting Bi-weekly: Wednesdays 4PM-5PM
Ages: Parent(s) of a child or children with (insert) ages 0-18 years old
6-8 Members
Purpose of the Group: The purpose of this group is to provide parents of a child/children with Autism, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Physical Disability, Extreme Illness, Down Syndrome, and more a safe, supportive, and encouraging space to discus and explore different challenges and experiences unique to parenting a child with special needs. Throughout the 8 weeks group members will work on understanding the unique challenges, experiences, feelings, and triumphs that arise when parenting a child/children with (Insert), as well as being an advocate for your child while also focusing on self-care, time management, and creating a support system for themselves.
Group Structure: All group sessions will begin with an open discussion for group members to share thoughts, updates, progress, and/or setbacks about the previous week. Group members are encouraged to share to the extent they feel comfortable. Each week a new topic and discussion prompt is presented by the group facilitator, along with an activity. To end the group session members will summarize the week’s topic, discuss goals to work on before next meeting, and are encouraged to participate in a short mindfulness exercise. Group structure is subject to change based on group members need during session.
Week one: Introductions and Group Expectations
- Get to know you/Ice breaker activity
- Create group rules and expectations as a group
- What do you hope to accomplish/what made you decide to join the group
Week Two: Challenges and Experiences
- What are challenges you are currently experienced or have experienced in the past with your child/children
- What experiences have you had that are unique to being a parent to a child/children with (insert)
- Activity based on group
Week Three: Feelings as a Parent
- Common Feeling include guilt, shame, isolation, frustration, etc.
- When do you find yourself feeling this way
- Affirmation activity
Week Four: Obstacles and Triumphs
- What are some obstacles both you, your family, and child/children face
- What are ways you have overcome these obstacles
- What are ways your child/children have surprised you in achieving
- Parenting win activity
Week Five: Being your Child’s Advocate
- What does advocating look like in different situations (school, doctors, family members, outside agencies, insurance companies, etc.)
- How to get help (resources and parent suggestions)
- Role play activity
Week Six: Self Care and Time Management
- How do you take time for yourself
- What does a normal day look like for you, you family, and your child/children
- Time management skills
- Self-care toolbox activity
Week Seven: Support System and Maintaining Relationships
- How are your family, friend, and romantic relationships affected
- Identifying self vs. being a parent
- Building a healthy support system activity
Week Eight: Summary
- Discussion of take away and skills
- What to do if problems arise?
- Feedback about the group
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